Free Legal Clinics

Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan (PBLS) provides free legal services to low income Saskatchewan residents. We operate 14 free legal clinics across Saskatchewan.

At the Free Legal Clinics, clients will receive up to one hour of free legal advice from a volunteer lawyer. Our goal is to help people who cannot afford a lawyer get advice about their legal issue.

PBLS does not provide full representation services. This means that we do not provide every client with a lawyer who will take on their whole file. Lawyers at the Free Legal Clinics are volunteers. The lawyers at the Free Legal Clinics will only provide free legal services during your appointment at the Free Legal Clinic.

If you are interested to see if you are eligible for an appointment at a Free Legal Clinic, please click here. If you would like to download our brochure, click here.

We partner with local non-profit organizations to host our Free Legal Clinics across Saskatchewan. Here’s a list of our Free Legal Clinic locations and hosts:


PBLS also provides assistance to trans and gender diverse folks to make corrections to their legal name and gender markers on their government issued identification. You can contact or call 1-855-833-7257 for more information!